
生活扶助life support

救助減免措施 Relief and relief measures(承辦單位:生活輔導組)

獎助學金 Scholarships and Bursaries(承辦單位:生活輔導組)

住宿優惠Accommodation offer(承辦單位:學生住宿組、生活輔導組、南大校區學生工作組)

  • 優先住宿權Priority accommodation

  • 優先候補權priority waiting list
    Children from poor families, weak students (those who suffer from diseases or have limited mobility, a diagnosis certificate can be issued, and those whose condition requires living in school), family or personal factors, need to submit relevant supporting documents. For relevant information, please contact the Life Counseling Team.

  •  低收入戶學生免收住宿費Accommodation fees are waived for low-income students,若進住其他較高價位宿舍時,需依住宿組當年度公告之基本宿費為基準補繳差價。

  • 上述住宿優惠之申請作業期程,請主動留意本校住宿組、生輔組公告,相關規定依國立清華大學學生宿舍規則National Tsing Hua University Student Dormitory Rules為準!