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(一) 審議本校弱勢學生就學與輔導方案及年度工作計畫。

(二) 研擬弱勢學生獎助學金預算及審議輔導經費編列、運用與執行情形。

(三) 研擬弱勢學生入學名額。

(四) 施行本校各項弱勢學生支持性服務之軟硬體建置規劃 。

(五) 協調各處室、院、系(所)行政分工合作,並整合校內外弱勢學生輔導資源。

(六) 其他弱勢學生就學及輔導相關業務。










Our school actively assists disadvantaged students in providing guidance on their studies, life, studies, and employment. Through the school's "School Support and Counseling Implementation Committee for Disadvantaged Students", we promote various counseling work and take care of the overall learning process of disadvantaged students.

The tasks of the “Committee to Support Disadvantaged Students’ Education and Counseling” are as follows:

(1) Review the school’s education and guidance plans for disadvantaged students and the annual work plan.

(2) Develop a budget for scholarships and bursaries for disadvantaged students and review the preparation, utilization and implementation of tutoring funds.

(3) Study the enrollment quota for disadvantaged students.

(4) Implement the software and hardware construction plan for various supportive services for disadvantaged students in the school.

(5) Coordinate the administrative division of labor and cooperation among offices, colleges, departments (institutes), and integrate tutoring resources for disadvantaged students inside and outside the school.

(6) Other business related to schooling and tutoring for disadvantaged students.


☆Objects eligible for the school's disadvantaged support include:

1. Students from low-income households, students from low- and middle-income households, children or grandchildren from families with special circumstances, students with physical and mental disabilities and their children, and students from aboriginal ethnic groups who are eligible for tuition and miscellaneous fee exemptions.

2. Students who meet the conditions of the scholarship program for disadvantaged students in colleges and universities.

3. Students of our school’s Rising Sun Project.

4. National students who do not hold relevant certificates approved by the government but are economically disadvantaged.

5. Those who have suffered a sudden change at home and have been approved by the student support team of the school.